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FMX Bierdeckel ChallengeFMX Bierdeckel ChallengeFMX Bierdeckel ChallengeFMX Bierdeckel ChallengeFMX Bierdeckel Challenge

By Thorsten

On 10, Jan 0010 | In | By Thorsten

FMX Bierdeckel Challenge

Student project at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg

My responsibilities included

  • Coming up with the core concept of coasters, made for building
  • Prototyping and producing coasters
  • Communicating with the manufacturer
  • Communicating with the different departments (social media, on-site crew, illustration, project lead, moderator)
  • Communicating with the jury
  • Managing the participant entries
  • Planning and performing of the prize giving ceremony at FMX


During FMX 2016 we started a challenge, to build the best “thing” out of coasters.
Participants were able to win prices by sending in photos of their builds. A jury from a variety of people from the industry choose their favorites.


Full Credits:

Projekt Lead
Mark Lutz

Thorsten Fietzek

Illustration & Design
Paula Schwabe

Marius Winter