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Project Details

Silicon ValetSilicon ValetSilicon ValetSilicon ValetSilicon Valet

By Thorsten

On 12, Jan 0012 | In | By Thorsten

Silicon Valet

Student project at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg

My responsibilities included

  • Working on the core game design with students of different backgrounds
  • Communicating with illustrator
  • Initiating play tests
  • Communicating results of play test with team
  • Coming up with a silly pun that works as the game title
  • Communicating with copy shop for the final print
  • Finalizing/polishing of the prototype


“Silicon Valet” is a competitive board game set in the future, where robots are able to drive cars.
Players take the role of the programmers behind those robots. Since no player knows how the others are programming their robots, a lot of crashing and trashing cars is involved.


Full Credits:

Idea & Game Design
Julian Oberbeck
Thorsten Fietzek
Julia Fischer

Thorsten Fietzek

Illustration & Design
Miki Sato

Download the manual

Produced as part of the subject area Interactive Media at the Animationsinstitut at Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg.